aage kahana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 100 of the agricultural area, if we add that of leys 2. After some years of pastoral ministry, he was appointed (1678-1689) Higher Catholic News, institution proposed to disabuse the Protestant youth; two missions to the Protestants in Saintonge add to this burden 3. And I also, one day, I will add something to the sadness vase, the grail of Romantic poets (BARRÈS, notebooks, t 4. At the source of Gottfried of Strasbourg, we must add the Norman poet Tristan twelfth, Béroul 5. Counter to the discount, resulting from the financial crisis of 1848, add the industrial and commercial credit in 1859, Crédit Lyonnais in 1863, Societe Generale in 1864

Given are the examples of hindi word aage kahana usage in english sentences. The examples of aage kahana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., add.

Growth: A business needs to add to its prospects in the long run, for this it is important for the business to grow.

ariations add colour and beauty to nature.
For example, sometimes traders indulge in unfair trade practices such as when shopkeepers weigh less than what they should or when traders add charges that were not mentioned before, or when adulterated/defective goods are sold.
Start with a first-rate mind, add curiosity, and mix in the will to win for the right reasons.
These two groups of elements have high negative electron gain enthalpies and readily add one or two electrons respectively to attain the stable noble gas configureuration.
The effective nuclear charge increases from left to right across a period and consequently it will be easier to add an electron to a smaller atom since the added electron on an average would be closer to the positively charged nucleus.
And the teachers were people The mechanical teacher was flashing on the screen: When we add fractions and .
These are meant to facilitate such operations as add new record, delete record, undo record, save record, duplicate and print record.
To add a title, use tool box by clicking at the label control.
If there are multiple conditions for formatting, Add button can be clicked to call for additional formatting conditions.
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